Wednesday, November 28, 2012

3 things

The irony of this thought comes from the fact that this year I decided to take on the 365 picture challenge in order to encourage myself to travel and enjoy my 29th year to the fullest:

The three most awesome sights and experiences of my trip to Hawaii could not be caught on film. Well, not on my Fujifilm point and shoot anyway.

1 – The night sky was so clear and literally filled with stars. (Fact: I know nothing about astronomy, kids. But there are a lot of those little stars out there.) The Milky Way was visible almost every night, and the black, milky white, and purple that was the backdrop to billions of bright stars (though not caught on film) is still visible in my mind.

2 – My irrational fear / respect of a live volcano was met head on while looking down at the open crater of Kilauea in Volcano, HI. That night it was completely black except for those stars and the red and orange smokey, steamy, sulfury burps… you know, the top of a volcano, the area that apparently has its own weather – windy as hell and above the rain clouds.

3 – Sure, there are pictures of me in the bay at Carlsmith Beach wading around with giant sea turtles, and the pictures are great. But those old guys looked unspeakably more amazing in person.

                                                                 One of the old guys...